WD-ownCloud-Raspberry pi or shorter pi-box - part 1
Western Digital and ownCloud paired together to create a new product. WD asked ownCloud community to create the software based on Raspberry Pi.
We decided to work on Github (pi-image).
First of all, we had to decide on what distro we will use for the product (actually to have something in common, other than ownCloud). The distro is Ubuntu Snappy. I'm not familiar with it, so I have to search couple of things before I start.
PERSONAL OPINION: Since it'll be a commercial product for Western Digital, they will decide what distro they will use and update.
Here is the image:
Snappy ownCloud-pi.
Insert your SD card, unmount it, open terminal where you've downloaded the file and run:
# Note: replace /dev/sdX with the device name of your SD card
xzcat owncloud-pi.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=32M
xzcat owncloud-pi.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=32M
Then you should find the IP that it got from your router.
If you use a distro, there a command
nmap -sP
The IP depends on your router. Might be different ( or etc).
According to Github, you can connect Raspberry Pi to a monitor and it'll show you the IP.
3. Small LCD
Although it's an extra circuit (adds cost to the end product), its very clever thing to have this small LCD on the box, showing the IP and the free space of the disk (this picture shows the space of root).
Here is the blog
This thing will save us from trying to add static IP or ways to search the IP on windows/mac osx/linux system.
4. Windows
It's a third party software but personally I used on my friend's computer to find his devices
Advanced IP Scanner
Login with ssh:
ssh ubuntu@IP
Root password is ubuntu.
And then update it:
sudo snappy update
Next post will be about how to use Ubuntu Snappy and how to setup ownCloud.
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